Different ways of archiving

work network and archiving

The Dynamic Archive archive is a Network Archive
The individual members can compose groups themselves. By starting a project the initiator becomes the 'Moderator' of the selected members. Network groups share the same goal, topic, or theme (e.g. event series or type of designs).
The aim of DNA network archiving is to create sustainable networks around themes in the cultural sector. Past and present events are documented in collaboration with the network members.
Characteristics of a project are not only the archiving and sharing of data within the group, video conferencing and internal e-mail communication is also supporting the internal network function.

The Dynamic Archive offers several ways of archiving:

1. The classical way as a company (since 2002)
Digitizing the analogue archive and catalogue the documents, photographs, audio visuals, library, etc. The digital archive for internal use or publication on the company website. The archive is maintained by the appointed archivist of registrar.

2. The 'bottom up' way as private artist/maker/performer (since 2018)
Inventory your work, documents, photos, audiovisuals, library and select them for easy retrieval and publication on your website.

3. 'Archiving by Design', during production (since 2019)
The platform and network function to share information with self-selected participants for cultural projects.
'Archiving by Design' takes place during the process of new productions, material is shared with the project participants. When the project is completed, all data will be archived.

About Archiving by design
Existing work systems
"Archiving by design is intended for work systems that are still being built or modified. It cannot be used for existing work systems that are no longer being developed or no longer used at all. In such cases, there is no design process after all."
(Source: Nationaal Archief

Dynamic Archive (DNA) has proven from the outset that it is adaptable to new demands of its users. The member users of the DNA application are the actual developers and source for new insights, changes and standards. The collaboration of project participants generates new insights and requirements for the development of the work system.

4. 'Archiving by Storytelling' (since 2021)
Write your personal stories about your work experiences, your opinions, or any other chosen subject. Like 'archiving by design', this method of 'live' archiving is a comparable but a more personal form of archiving.
Add material to the chapters of your story, such as images, recordings, objects from your catalog and events you participated in.