This 2D Floor plan is the base for the 3D presentationScroll through the chapters (below)
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Subsection of the Exhibition. Subsections are the chapters of the exhibitionThe content of each section or chapter is retrieved from the Object database
The relationship of the contemporary critics to the International Theatre Exhibition in Amsterdam, 1922. Research and scenario for a Virtual Exposition based on the 1922 exhbition in the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Initiative, concept and editorial staff: Dr. Peter G.F. Eversmann & Dr. R.G.C. (Rob) van der Zalm
INTRODUCTIONThis year it is one hundred years ago that the International Theatre Exhibition was opened on the upper floor of the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. That exhibition presented the then state-of-the-art in scenography and theatre architecture. A large number of avant-garde artists who have become world famous and have acquired a definitive place in art and theatre history exhibited their work here. The exhibition was seen as revolutionary and gained worldwide recognition. A few months later, the exhibition was shown at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, where it could also count on an enthusiastic reception. This project aims to create a virtual reconstruction of the International Theatre Exhibition of 1922 accompanied by a reflection on the design for theatre today and the future of scenography.
The project consists of creating an interactive virtual reconstruction of the International Theatre Exhibition of 1922 – the 'visitor' can walk through the exhibition in 3D, view objects in detail and request information about object and artist. The exhibition has been extensively documented – among other things through an issue of Wendingen (Jrg. 4 no. 9-10 see: WENDINGEN, the exhibition catalogue, a bibliography of the book collection and a wide variety of reactions in the press. In 1992, a special issue of the Tijdschrift voor Theaterwetenschap was published, which was dedicated to the exhibition. This makes it possible to reconstruct the exhibition with a reasonable degree of accuracy as a virtual reality project.
De Internationale Theater Tentoonstelling van 1922Toen de tentoonstelling in januari 1922 de deuren opende voor het publiek was dit de eerste keer dat op grote, internationale schaal theaterarchitectuur en decor- en kostuumontwerpen van de theater avant-garde werden getoond. Na Amsterdam reisde de tentoonstelling naar Engeland: London, Manchester en Bradford. Er ging grote invloed vanuit op de toneelpraktijk in Nederland en daarbuiten. De catalogus leest als een compendium van nu zeer beroemde beeldend kunstenaars en vernieuwers van scenografie en theaterarchitectuur uit de eerste decennia van de twintigste eeuw met namen als: Adolphe Appia, Léon Bakst, Hendrik Berlage, Nathalie Gontcharova, Edward Gordon Craig, Ernst Stern, Oskar Strnad, Henri van de Velde, H. Th. Wijdeveld en anderen. En indirect kregen ook beroemde regisseurs en theatertheoretici zoals bijvoorbeeld Copeau, Diaghilev, Jessner en Reinhardt een platform voor hun ideeën.
FOLLOW THE PROCESSThe Making of an Exhibition