Performance / Event: Hundred Years of Jazz

Event title
Hundred Years of Jazz
Type of event
Exhibition temporary
General Information

Exhibition on Jazz History at the Museum Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt.

The exhibition moved in a smaller version to the Meervaart in Amsterdam and became an itinerant exhibition shown in Germany, Italy and the United States.

Cooperating partners: Pim Haanen & Hans Schabracq.

Visit the Web exhibition Jazz-History

The web version is a work in progress, interested parties are invited to participate:
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Eine Ausstellung der Stadt Darmstadt veranstaltet vom Institut Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Musikinstitut Darmstadt unter der Schirmherrschaft des Botschafters der Vereinigten Staaten in der Bundesrepublik, Herrn Richard Burt.

29. Mai bis 28. August 1988.

Catalogue That's Jazz


Additional information
Hundred Years of Jazz, Mathildnhöhe, Darmstadt
Date Type Time Venue/Location Location/Venue not listed
Participant Role (DNA)
Exhibition design
Graphic design
Editorial staff
Research and editorial