Troilus and Cressida

Troilus and Cressida is part of the Shakespeare's cycle about the Trojan War. Cressida and Helen are prisoners of the Greek and Trojan armies. In Troilus and Cressida, Cressida and Helena are abused as whores. That is the age-old image of the woman: a whore without any other qualities. Troilus and Cressida also allowed themselves to be used; they had to in order to survive. But Helena had one more possibility: to provide misleading information. For Anthon Beeke that is the symbol of the Trojan Horse. The women’s movement thought it was a disgrace. Even the actresses put stickers on the poster. But this is the poster for the women’s movement. The strap is a clamp.

The director, the actors, the theatre management and Anthon Beeke discussed about the poster at great length of time. The discussion is still going on. The women's movement was active at that time and caused Anthon a lot of trouble and the actresses glued red stickers on the poster. Anthon thought that by doing this it made it pornographic while he is not at all into pornography.

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